Study deeply, study well
And that life unfolds its beauty when we deeply learn.

When a scholar studies deeply, he does not read for a mere examination that awaits. He reads with avidity, and saturates his mind with a subject he’s passionate about. But two things are before him whenever his desk is full of papers: to read and subscribe to what a particular scholar is saying or debunk it by using another work that he has a good time of previously mastering. In simple terms, he is reviewing.
More interesting is the fact that by studying deeply, he gains this sense of obligation to further what is readily available, not because of mere desire for a degree, but out of a fueling passion to do so.
To study deeply is an independent course of educating oneself. It is an undictated learning. No specific method works. The style for learning is personally developed. To study deeply is to master the self. How one’s mind works and its overarching biases. Its ability to absorb and repel ideas. Its keenness to what matters and what does not. Its explored science and the unexplored areas.
Above all, to study deeply is to anchor oneself in purity of honesty. That when an essential premise has been neglected, the whole system of knowledge developed seemed to incur a flaw.
Studying deeply is when the subject is embedded into one’s soul. Whether half asleep or not; whether a quake occurs in one side of the planet or to be in the middle of a war, the learning that was once personally savored will never lose its original flavor. It remains the same, but is viewed with greater maturity as time passes by.
Deep studying is when honest disagreement matters more than the sugarcoating nods. In fact, the latter implies a mocking attitude and blatant disrespect to the subject per se that it rather highlights the dullness of the mind.
Most often than not, silence is the shield of a true scholar, and that few words are enough to sustain the fullness of an idea. In theory or in practice, there’s no shame in misunderstanding and mistaking a point. But there is a perfect shame in unawareness of such things.
Deep learning has no timetable. One may be awaken in the middle of a night out of a newly formed insight from existing sources.
More importantly, a true scholar knows where his science exceeds and where it lacks. And where would it reach its end, not because it is shameful, but out of the fact that a rigid mathematical problem can never be answered by a linguistically gifted mind.
To be a scholar is to be reflective and introspective every now and then. To be conscious and unconscious. To be conscious of one’s own unconsciousness. And to be unconscious of one’s own consciousness.
In the end of the day, a scholar knows that deep learning is the way of life. And that life unfolds its beauty when we deeply learn. And that one of its joys is to be one with what was learned and to transfer it to another maturing vessel.