‘Non-relationship relationship’
Not all gaps need bridging.
Thinking of what I will call as ‘non-relationship relationship’. It’s paradoxical. A relationship, in the essence of the word, is a string of dynamics. It’s a connection. It’s full of details. But what if there is a non-relationship relationship? It’s the relationship that is devoid of human connection and drama. It’s like a space in a densely occupied train where space isn’t meant to be occupied or filled in but to be left as such to establish an unseen barrier between two or more passengers.
Not all spaces are there to be occupied.
The same is true with surplus enjoyment. One who has Php 100,000 cannot enjoy that sum without a surplus of maybe another Php 100,000. The surplus is unspent and untouched, but it is there eloping the first Php 100,000, tricking our minds that it is permissible to spend Php 100,000 with the right amount of enjoyment.
We need a surplus of spaces.
One more thing arises from non-relationship relationship: Familiarity breeds contempt.
We need to take into account that we humans are necessarily complex beings. The highest form of respect we can give to others is leaving them be for as long as they do no wrong to themselves and their fellow beings.
It is also similar to giving others the presumption of literacy. We should read, write, or count for them. Let them do those things. It is disrespectful to perform tasks they are well-versed at.
The more details we know of each other, the more we dislike, instead of connect.
Not all gaps need bridging. Gaps are beautiful. We may admire and love at a certain distance, and our distance does not mean we love someone or something any less.
The closer we are to a painting, the more blinding it gets for we are not afforded the fullness of it. This begs stepping back.